Ophthalmological Care for Patients Admitted to The Day Center Of The Diabetic Care Center



The day center of the Diabetic Care Center of the National Institute of Endocrinology has a five-day outpatient admission program. Its objective is educating individuals with diabetes, so they can achieve optimal glycemic control and to teach them to live with diabetes disease. As part of the care provided in outpatient admission, ophthalmological assistance is offered by qualified and trained personnel on the diagnosis and treatment of the main ophthalmological complications: diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema that lead the patient to visual impairment and blindness if early diagnosis and treatment adequate are not provided. We carried out this paper aiming to explain some aspects related to this purpose, operation and benefits of the ophthalmological care provided during admission to this center. The prevention of ophthalmological complications of diabetes and education in this aspect are the two most important pillars to achieve at the end of admission.

Keywords: eye care; day center; diabetic care center; Mellitus diabetes; National Institute of Endocrinology.




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Author Biography

Juana Elvira Maciques Rodríguez, Instituto de Endocrinología, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana.



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How to Cite

Maciques Rodríguez JE, Pérez Muñoz ME, Redondo Piño LR, González Calero T. Ophthalmological Care for Patients Admitted to The Day Center Of The Diabetic Care Center. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];35(1). Available from: https://revendocrinologia.sld.cu/index.php/endocrinologia/article/view/436



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